the world is a beautiful fucked up place
whereas we deal with our first world problems (((and of course this is genuine; if all your primary and even secondary problems are at ease, you SHOULD complain about the tertiary problems)))
, the Syrians and all the other vluchtelingen are stressing about their primary concerns:::

and what happens now is that these two weird worlds are gonna collapse,
not that this is the first time evah, but now that it is a hype in the media and we cannot deny it any longer, we have to face the fact that things are gonna change.

and so for me it is interesting how two worlds are gonna collapse,
with on the one hand our shitty witty problems that are, in our world at least, our biggest concerns.
Say, your delayment on Utrecht Central station. FUCK THAT SHIIIIIT
or, your hurting feet while walking the avondvierdaagse and the pain in your neck, created by all the heavy plastic tangles that carry your candy with you.

and on the other hand people that are dying. people who carry their mother in their wheelchair through FIVE GODDAMN COUNTRIES, BY FOOT
and the image of thousands people walking on the road. Like Moses and his people. Like pilgrims, like fucking prehistoric adventures. They have to because their shitty witty problems are dictatorship and wrongly informed fundamentalists and hunger and whatnot.

soooooo I am gonna combine them, place them together and see what happens
because after all it kinda looks the same and that is funny and sick and i like funny and sick things.
and this is why I decided to mingle these two worlds.

Dutch problems: delayment on trainstations, hurting feet on the avondvierdaagse, fully packed campingsites on festivals.

Refugee problems: walking for days straight, no trains transporting them to their bases, no proper place to sleep.